Insights in a Cultural Territory. Say it again?
Today data give us an x-ray of our society. Marketers understand their consumers better and want to leverage cultural territories for their brands.
Well, it's not quite that simple.
Where to look for an insight?
Cultural territories and communities are multi-layered complex structures. Finding insights for breakthrough innovation and communication in a cultural territory is not a straightforward task. It is important to know where to look.

How to engage with a cultural territory?
Brands can leverage cultures to launch new brands/variants, change consumer behaviour and increase sales. But they need to know how to engage with a cultural territory. Brand-speak will not work.
We find insights where no one else does.
We are social animals. We've always been a member of one or more groups, be it a community of marathon runners or football fans. Thanks to social media and the Internet, individuals with similar interests, passions, and experiences can find each other and form groups and communities easier than ever before. These groups have tens of thousands or even millions of members and followers. Vitally, through the sense of belonging they impart, groups usually have collective consumption habits. Members choose the same brands to both reinforce and flag up their identity. We find insights by examining consumers via their groups and communities.

We Find Insights in Cultural Territories
We can help your brands find insights to develop powerful innovations, shape strategies, or create trustworthy communication. We can tell you what needs to be done to change consumers' behaviour and how to make your brand consumed by many via leveraging real societal groups, communities, and their cultures.
We’ve been researching cultural communities for a good while, now. We know what they have formed around, what group members believe in, how they identify themselves, what rituals they follow, and how brands can become part of the group's consumption habit.

We run Workshops & Trainings
After this one-day training what your team will say and do:
I know how to effectively localize global toolkits and increase the local amplification of global initiatives.
I have a clear understanding of how to find rich insights in big societal communities for brand-building, in particular, innovation and communication.
I am aware of the woke-washing trap. I know how to avoid it and find safe cultural territories.
I know how to create new occasions and events in the post-Covid environment.
I know how to leverage large communities to change consumer behaviour and increase sales.
I have ideas to apply to my brands in practice for a better ROI with a smaller budget.